Want to be more prepared for the
"what ifs" of retirement?

join us for a delicious meal and some fun!

“ABC’s of Annuity Options (and Bonuses!)”
Thursday • February 3rd • 6pm

Messina’s at the Terminal
6001 Stars and Stripes Blvd. New Orleans, LA

Register today and join us

When the “what ifs” of life happen, it's good to be prepared. One way to prepare for the “what if’s” of retirement is to learn about your options for retirement.

We'll Discuss

Benefit Flexibility

  • How flexibility in your annuity may help with life’s “what ifs”
  • Lifetime income versus annuity payments – which one is right for you?
  • 2 options for your beneficiaries 

Growth Potential

  • Ways to possibly increase your growth potential
  • Can you postpone income for more accumulation with an annuity?
  • Types of indexes: How do they impact benefits?

Preparing for
Life Changes

  • Ways to access your money early if you need it
  • Potential income increase if you need nursing home or other qualified care
  • Possible inflation-mitigation strategies


  • Potential income withdrawals as early as after 10 years
  • How holding off on income or annuity payments may affect your retirement 
  • Flexibility in income amounts


  • Premium bonuses of up to 25% 
  • Up to 50% interest bonuses: how do they work?
  • Protected Income Value (PIV)

This event is a live, complimentary dinner along with a discussion and information about retirement annuity options and products. Bring your questions and your appetite. Hope to see you there!

“You Earn It. We Protect It.”  We believe in Keeping Your Money Safe, Simplifying Your Strategy and A Reasonable Rate of Return

Messina’s Wealth Management, LLC MS Lic #1503388

Messina’s Wealth Management, LLC
LA Lic #717402

Dominick Messina
LA Ins Lic# 222159 

Dominick Messina
MS Lic #7176300

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